February looks promising... (Patreon)
I referred to these wooden panels in Merate as my Saudek wall, because I've already placed some models in front of it, and more will be, as long as I have access to this house.
But I also like to try new locations, to add variety in your daily timeline.
January has been a sad Month, with no shooting in sight, yet.
But February looks much more promising!
I should be shooting with Manya in a not so inspiring or luminous location in Milano on February 5th.
And on the 13th I will be shooting with a brand new model in her house near Milano, and it should be luminous and spacious.
Both these shootings are during Sundays, so I still have a bonus day during the week I could take off work to make a third shooting, possibly with Martina if she is planning a visit to Milano.
Yes, February does look like a promising Month!
If you want to learn more about the Bramley Apple Project or Archives, ask me on bramleyapple@yahoo.com