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Light is a mystery.
Photographers should know it and master it, but sometimes even them are surprised by photos that overturn the rules and still look good.
This one is an example, where the shadows are more meaningful than the lighted parts.
Our eyes are trained to look the light parts before, and for this reason you are required to look at this image for a longer period of time, pass by the lighter sections, and search for the eyes of Cristiana in the shadows.
It is like searching for a treasure...

I also like how the side of her belly is grainy and out of focus, blending seamlessly withe the bed in the background.
The Summicron 90mm is really a great lens, and now it is finally at home on the Leica SL2s camera body.

If you want to learn more about the Bramley Apple Project or Archives, ask me on bramleyapple@yahoo.com



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