It is difficult to un-train an expert model and ask her to pose naturally, particularly one with so much experience like this one, but I insisted and this is one of the few pictures where she really looks natural and vulnerable.
Meet AIM from down under, the new tasty Apple from yesterday.
I went back to basics in this shooting, sheltered in the house of my friend and fellow photographer Maurizio near Como (where I’ve worked before with Martina and Demi), we concentrated on photos alone: no backstage videos, just a vanilla nude style, one card of files to download from the Leica SL2-S, and a couple of trusty lenses (this is the Contax-Zeiss Planar T* 100mm f2 blurring the background at f2.8).
This is all that matters for the Bramley Apple project, isn’t it?
By the way, when you’re going to look at all the other pictures where she’s actually posing, you’re going to realise that she looks brilliant also in that respect, possibly even more exceptional so, most of the time, I was more than happy to let her do her own thing 😉
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