Creature of the dark. (Patreon)
When the light started to fade away, I took out of my backpack the heavy artillery like Schwarzenegger in the action movies from the 90ties, and prepared to shoot the creatures of the dark.
But the shadows in the studio were populated just with the cute Annalisa, and I was shooting with the old Nikon D810 and the Nikkor 85mm f1.8 AF-D, in a flash of light from the Profoto A1.
I still prefer the results from the workflow I developed in the past years, with careful manual focusing on mirrorless cameras, but the plus points of working with the heavy duty D810 and a flash are 36MP photos and the luxury of stopping down the lens at least a couple of stops.
This gives exceptional details in the photo, but it is useless if in most of the pictures the camera is unable to focus on the subject...
After this first photo, I moved slightly on the right side, to eliminate the reflection on the aluminum ladder in the background, but in that photo Annalisa is slightly out of focus... so this remains the best of the 2.
In this picture you can see very well the fancy nails of Annalisa, not something I would go for myself, but I guess we'll have to accept it as part of her personality and that, after all, is what I'm trying to capture in my images...
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