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Looking back in my archives, I'm finding some interesting photos that are still highly appreciated even in the present days.
For example, one photo I made of Sofia (old model present on Patreon until she didn't renew her vows) was really appreciated by one of my female colleagues.

Today's photo is another example.
My technique has evolved drastically from this first shooting with Martina in Feb. 2018, but the old Nikon D810 was working flawlessly even back then.

Having changed cameras and lenses in the past 8 years has broaden my visual vocabulary, but not necessarily improved my style.
The danger with working on a project for such a long time is becoming repetitive, and it is always good to look back at the original inspiration and reclaim my initial enthusiasm.
I also need to leave even more freedom to my models, especially the more experienced among them.

If you want to learn more about the Bramley Apple Project or Archives, ask me on bramleyapple@yahoo.com




I don't know how to describe your style, but I find it enormously appealing. I loathe "glamour" photography. I love the naturalness of your pictures and your obvious respect for your models. An average of three or more sessions with Martina each year is certainly not too many! 😊