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Distracted by this stunning 22 YO Dominican beauty, yesterday I forgot to relate to you about the location where we did out photoshoot.

It was an interesting place, with plenty of rooms, photographers, and naked models running around.
The ideal place to develop the Bramley Apple Project!
I will have to try to maintain the contact with my host, a former nude model herself, because she can provide me with more models (for artistic nude only), and she might even decide to pose for me herself...

Back to Sugar, this photo was taken in the first room we shoot in, the ethnic room.
Compared to yesterday's photo, you can now finally appreciate the full splendour of this young lady.
I'm really glad we reached an agreement about the level of nudity to display, because she is a great addition to my project.
Do you agree?

If you want to learn more about the Bramley Apple Project or Archives, ask me on bramleyapple@yahoo.com



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