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I have finished and safely stored Ania's second photoshoot in Archives, the one shot in the ghost town of Consonno.
It took a long time because of the number of photos and all the new photoshoots coming up in the mean time.
I'm also preparing some BentBox for download from this photoshoot, complete with hi res backstage videos.

BentBox is not working very well, I guess because they ask for such a huge percentage, but it is currently the only place where I can upload the full video quality.

I can't wait to work again with Ania on the 22nd, let's hope the weather is going to be better than forecasts predicts, because we're in an abandoned place again...
I went last Sunday and the place looks promising, with no major problems, but if the weather get's tough, we might have to revert to Merate's house again.

If you want to learn more about the Bramley Apple Project or Archives, ask me on bramleyapple@yahoo.com



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