[HS] X Pasties for HoneySelect (Patreon)
2019-03-18 01:53:53
2020-01-08 14:01:02
X Pasties for HoneySelect.
Preview pic available at https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=73745262
Key: AdMK_PNYLQkoH6aS9zwtZT459fZrfXcMj1XxLpoW5Ec
PW: 73_X,MarksTheSp0t
DL: *****
Notes *
This is an original creation that I modeled and textured hope you like it. I was able to get some quite ridiculous scaling with the pasties and the skin data was able to keep up with the breasts. Just watch nip scaling, since it is difficult to replicate the topology of the body. The X Pasties are located in the bra slot and have half off states as well.
Update: Added the X-Pastie into the swimsuit top section. To install simply replace the list with the one in the attachments.