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Check the original post for the update for Ashe. Installation: Overwrite all files with the new files. I recommend updating but the update is pretty minor so you can skip it if you don't feel like updating. 

Files Replaced / Added:

  • 73_Ashe_Tattoo.unity3d
  • 73_Ashe_Textures.unity3d
  • 73_Character_Ashe_List.unity3d


  • Removed the mole texture from skin so now its completely invisible if you have the alpha slider set to 0%
  • Added Deadlock Rebels arm tattoo. It can be found under body tattoo "Ashe" 



Still not working for me :( I even tried reinstalled a new game, I don't know what I'm missing here. Game version 1.20, MoreSlotID v1.3 , WideSlider v0.8.3, GGmod NEO v1.6.1, SBX Uncensor v2.5e, AdditionalBoneMod v0.7.4.


I'm going to be honest with you I have no idea why you are having issues but the problem is on your end. Are you using the fakku version of the game? Also are you using the 630 update? I'm going to see if I can find a clean install for those having issues. I haven't done anything extra with the Ashe head besides custom blinks to fix illusions eye problems, so you only need wideslider amd moreslots and the mod shoukd work fine.


More Ashe hairs and port the hat for that skin 👏 Please


Ashes hat was ported as well it's under hairset as well as a studio item


Lol I missed that Though she has more hats to port..that goes with the in game skins


Though some how I found DL link