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Hello Community,

I wanted to start by saying Thank You to every Patron for your ongoing support and a Special Thank You to those generous patrons that keep this page afloat through custom pledges and commissions. While the page doesn’t make that much on a monthly basis. I continue to make the content everyone enjoys because I genuinely still love producing the content, love interacting with everyone, and don’t want to let you guys down. That last bit being the main driving force on why I continue and keep going despite the stress/strain that it puts on me. I started the page back in January 2019. For nearly 30 Months despite what might be going on (IRL or internet drama). I have been consistent about getting my rewards and Community goals out on time without taking a break. Only wavering once with my Elsa mod due to the difficulty of the project, multiple necessary revisions, and how limited I was in getting the project out in a decent time frame. That being said I unfortunately have some bad news for everyone. I have decided that it is necessary that I take a proper break from making mods and as a public content creator. Not to get into too much detail but it mainly has to do with a mixture of some recent financial changes and new opportunities I have been given. As I do rely on the support through Patreon each month I will be picking up a couple of extra shifts at work instead.

My goals for the page were to build a sense of community, to always focus on the Quality of my projects to the best of my ability. To be open to criticism and feedback. To be fair in the way the page is monetized and to remain as honest/transparent as much as possible because that is what relationships are based on. While being a content creator does have several perks such as the ability to work from home, and encouragement from people that want to support you it also comes with additional downsides such as an extreme time sink away from family/friends, no downtime since I work fulltime, also the creation of toxic groups that target the creator and their creations. In no way am I using this to vent what I’m saying is that no matter how in shape someone is they eventually need to get off of the treadmill to catch their breath. I will be taking a hiatus for the month of June and if necessary, into July as well. I simply won’t have the time necessary to get the content out on time this month and to be real with everyone I simply am exhausted. What does that mean for you? The page is currently paused for June which means no one will be billed for June unless they are a brand-new patron. If you have an active commission or we were discussing a commission request I will get them to you before I head out. Thank You again to everyone that has supported me and got me to this point. I simply need a break everyone. I ask that you stick with me through this Hiatus as I have stuck with you consistently making content every month. Sorry if this reads as a ramble, I wrote this all-in-one shot late last night. If you have any comments, questions, or concerns about the Hiatus please leave them in the comments section below and I will get to them asap. Ty again for everything and farewell.



Thank you for your work, have a good rest, and hope to hear from you soon again.


Thanks for your Great works, take as much time as you need


You definitely deserve to take a break given all of the content you've provided. It also seems like a responsible choice to pick up extra shift at a jobs that provides more security and stability for you. Take care and hopefully until July/August!


Have a good break, 73.


You are an amazing artisan, 73. Please do not forget that. And above all, be good to yourself. :)

Perfect specimen of wasted life

Taking time for oneself is probably the best thing to do when exhausted, so it's good that you're taking a break (you really deserve it as some have already pointed above). Take all the time you need and enjoy it as much as you can. See you around!


You rock 73, take care of yourself first and foremost. Squad will be here for you when you're back.

73lac7c (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-06 23:27:24 TY Everyone <3
2021-06-09 19:15:16 TY Everyone <3

TY Everyone <3