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[ ] Lil Patriots Military Orphanage [Patriot Party]: The orphans of today were the patriots of tomorrow! The Patriot Party wanted to help preserve the future of America by constructing a military orphanage for the children of veterans who had perished in the line of duty, and help prepare these sons and daughters of heroes to follow in their parents footsteps, no doubt as they would have wanted.

Unlock Lil Patriots Orphanage (0/100/200/300) [Construction, Education, Outreach]

Must construct two Lil Patriots.

+1 Outreach, +2 Funding.

Good choice, Edgar! Funding is very important, especially considering your next mandate. But first, let’s go over the news for the upcoming quarter. I’ve taken the liberty of collating the most salient information for your reading pleasure, friend.


ACME Catalog: ACME was expanding into Louisiana. Everyone knew that. However, the company is finally revealing its plans for the state: its catalog featured advertisements for a series of ACME Townships and even a ACME Tower, imploring readers to call now to reserve themselves an apartment or suite, with the small booklets promising houses to move into as early as this summer in ACME Houma. (1/2 until ACME gains a new Community Card.)

Welcome to Cambridge: Cambridge University of Louisiana was opening it’s doors this summer, and beginning classes this fall. The institution was located on the outskirts of Baton Rouge: currently, it consisted of the lecture, administrative, research, and dormitory buildings, though rumor on the grapevine is they’re planning to build a vault complex next fall. (1/2 until CUL gains Students)

The Man from RobCo: RobCo was buying land up throughout the city of Baton Rouge, under the order of House. So far, there was no information on WHY he was doing do: the only information RobCo was willing to release was that the company was interested in expanding into the state. (1/4 to ???)


New Laser Towers!: The DoP was announcing a new initiative: to have at least twelve additional laser towers by the end of next year across the western coast, starting with ones in California. (0/4 until West Coast Ballistic Defense increases)

Vault Tec Research Lab: Vault Tec were planning to establish a new research laboratory in Florida, of all locations: the company apparently hoped to improve the rate at which it developed potentially life-saving technologies. (0/4, when complete Vault-Tec gains random technology)

Riots in Appalachia: There had apparently been riots in virginia: a bunch of miners angry about losing their job. A few had been ended by the national guard, called in to rough up what the news labeled as ‘dangerous socialist agitators’ to apparently great success.

Plane Hijackings in Nevada: A series of planes have been hijacked by NEXT, who have stolen the planes- and their passengers- whisking them away to parts unknown. So far, the lost passengers haven’t been found.

Of course, that isn’t everything. More is occurring in the background. Anyhoo, now that you’ve successfully investigated the chemical dumping culprit, the EPA is satisfied for now. The NOAA however want you to construct a weather monitoring facility: each one will be networked together to help collect data, which will be used to track and observe storms as well as provide advanced notice for developing super-hurricanes. They want at least two stations within four turns. 

The DoP also has a task: due to increasing aggression from NEXT, they want you to invest in helping arm local police departments. At least one community needs a point of Police Militarization within, also, four turns. To help speed that along, the Director is transferring more personnel to your department, providing an additional Free Dice.




I’ve also taken the liberty of creating a stats page: you can use this to track progress in community cards, reference the BRAIN Cards of personnel, and other important information! 

As a reminder, you have on top of your personnel and categorical dice 1 Government Dice and 1 Free Dice. You also have 2 Ecology and Chems dice and, lastly, 1 Genetics dice. 



1 Dice, +0 to rolls


DoP Gun Club [Charity, Combat]: An idea to help improve a community's level of general access and competency to firearms, these DoP operated Gun Clubs would host training and safety seminars, hold shooting games to hone marksmanship, and would serve as an arsenal for the community. 0/250, SELECT COMMUNITY. Increases Firearms Expertise in community. Cost 1 Funding.

Floodwall Expansion [Construction, Ecology]: The New Orleans floodwall was one of the largest pieces of infrastructure in the state. It was expected to fail in 50 years: and unfortunately, it wasn’t the only community that had that problem. 0/400, SELECT COMMUNITY. Gain Floodproofing. 


Hire Security Guards [Combat, Personnel]: The solution to a terrorist with a gun was a security guard with a gun: by hiring security guards to man a facility. With the worries about NEXT, it'd probably be covered by the department. 0/100. Increases Facility Security. +WRATH

Scouts of America [Combat, Charity]: The scouts were one of the great American institutions, teaching young patriots life skills such as identifying potential communists, national self-defense, and how to pledge allegiance to the Flag! By supporting a communities local chapter, that community would become not only safer, but a higher quality source of future soldiers, should the war drag on long enough. 0/100/200, SELECT COMMUNITY. Gain Patriot Scouts in area, increasing Youth Mobilization Stat. Second phase costs 1 Funding to complete. +++WRATH

K-9 Kennel [Personnel, Ecology]: A K-9 Kennel: it would allow the DoP in the region to begin training its own K-9 units rather than importing them from the training facility in Montana. 28/75, headquarters gains K-9 Kennel, allowing for the creation of K-9 Teams in regional communities.

Police Surplus [Combat, Charity]: Local PD was less militarized than those in New York or Washington DC: that needed to be fixed immediately by assisting them in purchasing used military equipment, which would be costly. 0/200/400/600, SELECT COMMUNITY. Police Militarization stat increases. Each phase costs 1 Funding to complete. ++WRATH

Identifying Communists (For Kids!) [Education, Government]: By helping children identify communists, our children became safer! By having schools include weekly seminars on the subject taught by senior TAPP analysts you'd almost certainly help protect our kids! 0/200, increases Ideological Security. ++++WRATH

Self Defense Courses [Combat, Education]: Not everyone could afford a gun, and the DoP lacked any firing ranges at the moment: the solution? Hand to hand defense courses to help every red blooded american survive attack by communists! 0/100 SELECT COMMUNITY, increases Self Defence.

Project Turtle Arms Depot [Military, Combat]: The military was willing to help finance DoP operations if they helped contribute to Project Turtles: by creating a secure arms depot that army officials could access after a hypothetical apocalypse, Team America would get a little more grant money. 0/75/150/250/500, SELECT COMMUNITY, increases Military Storage in community. Increases Funding by 1 for each phase. +WRATH



1 Agent Dice, +0 to rolls.


The Wreck of the USS Hartley [Investigation, Weird]: The Hartley had been a cargo ship created in the waning days of the late 1990’s, used by the US Navy to transport goods and cargo, only to be destroyed less than a handful of decades later, during Superhurricane Joshua, sinking the ship below the waves off the coast of Baton Rouge, where it still slept, haunted by ghosts of its former crew according to urban legends. 0/150, gain 3 Influence.

Missing Casework [Investigation, Crime]: Every community had them. Ghosts on the wind, those who had disappeared into the night, whether by choice or by malfeasance. While law enforcement technically wasn’t the Departments bailiwick, there were a number of cases where normal police were unsuited to investigation, primarily due to disinterest, that the department could pick up the slack for. 0/150, SELECT COMMUNITY. Increases Public Order.

Psychic Identification Program [Weird, Education]: Natural psychics were difficult to locate, but if Team America was expanded to include a dedicated team to help identify potential psychics, it would likely increase the number caught in the net. 0/100, increase Psychic Identification Rate, increasing Influence by 2. Cost 1 Funding. 


Kisatchie National Forest Logging Operations [Investigation, EPA]: There have been signs of illegal logging in Kisatchie National Forest. This needed to end: Americas forests were national treasures! 0/100, gain Kisatchie National Forest Community Card. +WRATH

ACME Investigation [ACME, Investigation]: ACME are up to something, according to Agent Skulder. He wanted to look into their medical department to try and figure out what their plans were. 0/100/200/300, gain assorted ACME Community Cards. +WRATH

Digging Up Dirt [Investigation, Crime]: Every small town had its crooks. Investigating them was sure to bring some heat, but it'd give Team America ammo in the war on crime. 0/100, SELECT COMMUNITY. Learn more about its underside. Increases Influence. +Wrath.

The Sunken Parish [Investigation, Weird]: The super hurricanes had caused significant portions of the state to sink in the past five decades or so. Recently, fishermen looking to catch their dinner in the shallow, watery plains that rested on formerly dry land had reported their boat being attacked by figures in what appeared to be diving suits. 17/250, gain the Sunken Parish Community Card.



0 Dice, +0 to Rolls


Department of Preservation Factory [Construction, DoP]: The Department was always looking to expand production. If you could build a few of these factories, put them to producing various goods the Department was looking to stockpile, you could kill several birds with one stone, employing large amounts of that community, producing material for the DoP, and earning yourself a few brownie points. Problem was, it would be PRICEY. 0/150/300. SELECT COMMUNITY. Community gains DoP Employment. Second phase grants additional DoP Goodwill. Gain 5 Influence. Cost 3 Funding per phase. 

Weather Monitoring Station [Ecology, Government]: The NOAA’s creation: these facilities would monitor weather and oncoming storms and were networked in order to help predict storms and perform meteorology based research. 0/200. SELECT COMMUNITY. Each Community contributes to regional Stormwatch stat. 

DoP Clinic [Chems, DoP]: It would be very expensive, but equipping a community with a fully staffed and stocked clinic and hiring doctors to man it would be a good way to improve health both in that community, but also the wider region should the community survive. 0/150/300. SELECT COMMUNITY. Increases DoP Goodwill and Community Health. Second phase gains [Genetics] tag and Novel Gene Therapies stat. Each phase costs 2 Funding. 


Supply Depot Warehouse [Logistics, Construction]: The bread and butter of the department: these warehouses stored massive quantities of material shipped from various DoP factories for use in case of nuclear armageddon. 0/100/200/300, SELECT COMMUNITY. Increase General Supply stat: third rank increases additional community specific stat.

Department Motor Pool [Logistics, Administration]: By purchasing vehicles department employees could use, the team could greatly simplify transportation and shipping for various department assets. 0/200/400, increase Departmental Mobilization. Required for further vehicular development such as DoP Garages. Cost 1 Funding to complete each rank.

Fortified House of Worship [Population, Construction]: For once, the justification for this one isn't wholly propaganda: analysis indicated that when the bombs drop, churches and other holy houses were likely to be the first place civilians without any substantive options are likely to flee. By reinforcing one of these sites to be bomb-proof, it would significantly raise the odds of survivors in the community. 0/200/600, SELECT COMMUNITY. Increases Divine Sanctuary stat.

Power Peanut Plantation [GWCFAAAT, Agriculture]: Power Peanuts were a very experimental development by the George Washington Carver foundation (with Department assistance): they were a 100% renewable source of electrical energy, albeit one that was somewhat inefficient compared to nuclear or even fossil fuels: thankfully, the market was always looking for more sources of energy. 0/200/400, SELECT COMMUNITY. Increases Renewable Energy Stat. Each phase increases funding by 1.

AutoMenagerie Complex [Ecology, Genetics]: The department was planning to construct one in the next few years: why not get a head start? Having a functional AutoMenagerie would be vital for restoring life to the wetlands. 0/500. Gain Louisiana AutoMenagerie Community Card.


1 Dice, +5 to rolls


Off The Shelf Bio-Optimizer [Genetics, Research]: The good news was, you had free access to the science behind the Optimizer, to the point you could easily manufacture it yourself if you had the facilities. That wasn’t remotely likely, unfortunately: that would cost an incredible exorbitant amount. You might, however, be able to settle for a home manufactured version. 0/150, Edgar begins producing and distributing in secret Bio-Optimizer. Costs 1 Funding. Medium Suspicion. 


Gorilla DNA Library [Ecology, Genetics]: It had been part of your research at Cambridge: cloning real, living silverback gorillas into the world again. You didn't have the equipment to do that, but you could at least preserve their genome by creating a DNA Library in the lab, in case you ever did acquire the equipment. 128/250, unlock Gorilla Genetic Template, unlocking additional projects. -WRATH

Power Peanut Genome Sequencing [Power, Genetics, GWCFAAAT]: Power Peanuts were fascinating: while the design had been refined by department labs, the George Carver foundation were no slouches either when it came to genetics. It might behoove you to try analyzing their genome: at the very least, you could send the science division and the foundation your notes. 0/250, unlock Power Peanut Genetic Template, speeding up national Power Nut research and increasing influence by 2.

Atomicrops Research Notes [Genetics, Agriculture]: The Atomicrops program: you hadn't been party to it, but you had followed it's development with a fair bit of interest until you went into hiding. It might be worth it to refresh your understanding of the project and send in your notes to Warney. 57/100, unlock Atomicrop Genetic Template, speeding up national research and increasing influence.

Construct CERES Unit [Construction, Robotics]: The general term for the DoP's standardized model of AI manager, intended for inclusion in agricultural facilities. By upgrading a facility with one, its overall output would increase by a fair amount. 0/150, SELECT COMMUNITY WITH AGRICULTURAL INFRASTRUCTURE. Agriculture tagged infrastructure gains primary stat increase, along with an infrastructure-dependent secondary stat.

Community Data Cache [Construction, Education]: The Data Cache model of knowledge retention infrastructure had been selected by top DoP analysts as the optimal means by which institutional knowledge could be preserved in the region. 0/150/300/600, SELECT COMMUNITY. Increases Buried Knowledge stat.

TAPP Analysis [Government, Education]: One of the worst things your sister had ever done: countless people had been thrown into jail. The actual criteria it worked to determine who was a 'true american patriot' and who was a 'godless red in waiting' was a black box: if you could figure out how the algorithm worked, however, you might be able to game it to help people avoid falling afoul of it. 0/300, gain TAPP Manipulation projects. Massively increases Wrath.

Garden of Eden Sanctuary [Ecology, Charity]: If you could scrape together the funding, you might be able to help support one of the various communities in the state while also preserving endangered wildlife from around the globe via financing a sanctuary. 0/200/400. SELECT COMMUNITY. Increase Biodiversity Preservation stat and a community dependent secondary stat. Cost 1 Funding to complete each phase.

Community Seed Vault [Ecology, Agriculture, Construction]: After the bombs dropped, it was likely numerous species of plant would go extinct: by establishing a series of seed vaults, this could be prevented. Obviously the priority would go to more human useful cultivars, but some wild flora would be preserved if conditions permitted. 0/400/800. SELECT COMMUNITY. Increase AgriPreservation stat. Second phase also increases Biodiversity Preservation stat.



1 Dice, +0 to Rolls


Lil Patriots Orphanage [Construction, Education]  The orphans of today were the patriots of tomorrow! The Patriot Party wanted to help preserve the future of America by constructing a military orphanage for the children of veterans who had perished in the line of duty, and help prepare these sons and daughters of heroes to follow in their parents footsteps, no doubt as they would have wanted, teaching them patriotism, honor, god, and american values as well as useful skills such as marksmanship, wilderness survival, community reaffirmation of principles, and discipline while providing them food, shelter, and other basic needs. 0/100/200/300. SELECT COMMUNITY. Each rank increases Youth Mobilization by 2. Unfathomable Wrath gain. 


Community Broadcast Tower [Education, Media]: Radio, then television. These facilities would play on loop various Department created materials, largely a mix of patriotic reaffirmations and edutainment material aimed at both adults and children. 0/200/400, SELECT COMMUNITY, increase Public Preparedness stat. Costs 1 Funding to complete per phase.

Local Philanthropy [Charity, Government]: Firefighters, hospitals, public transportation and other services were generally deeply underfunded. By contributing to their finances, it would both help that community develop important infrastructure to help weather disaster, as well as buy some local good-will for the department in that community. 0/100/200, SELECT COMMUNITY. Increases Team America Goodwill and Responder Preparedness stat. Cost 1 Funding to complete each phase. +Wrath. TAX WRITE OFF APPLIED, FIRST IS FREE.

DoP Disaster Training and Response Facility [Education, Personel]: The civilian disaster preparedness program was a new initiative by the DoP: they wanted to start training populations in various methods that can be used in case of disaster to survive. 0/200, SELECT COMMUNITY. Increases Responder Preparedness. Cost 1 Funding per phase.

Co-Op Garden [Agriculture, Population]: Anyone who seriously thought co-ops were the herald of socialism were idiots. Despite the stigma, however, they did serve a purpose: the most obvious was reducing food insecurity and self sufficiency for a community, but more important was helping that community start building the institutional knowledge required for rebuilding agriculture should civilization collapse and supply lines disintegrate. 0/100/200, SELECT COMMUNITY. Increases AgriPreservation stat. Modest Suspicion.

Luxury Bunkers [Population, Construction, Liberty Party]: Funding was hard to come by, but one way it could be obtained? Earning Donors by constructing various Liberty Party officials and other wealthy individuals their own private, DoP maintained bunkers. Sure, it would be helping some of the worst people avoid the fate they have so richly earned, but the funding would be worth it. 0/150/300, increase funding by 2 per phase. ++Wrath Gain.

Targeted ACME Loans [Population, ACME, Finance]: This wouldn't save anyone. Not on its own: the infrastructure developed might save someone, but the effect would be marginal compared to other, more efficient tactics. The only benefit this gave was money. 0/100/200/???, SELECT COMMUNITY. Infinite phases, every phase increases a random stat. Every two phases, gain +1 Funding. +Wrath.



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