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Ok guys, today I want to talk about difficult clients. How often it happens with you when you have a misunderstanding with your clients, arguing or other trouble?

I hope everyone knows that if you work as a freelancer you have only one golden rule - work always with pre-payment.
Sure, it works but recently I learned another one👩‍💻

Let me start at the beginning of the story. I had a small task with a new client. He sent me a reference for his video, wanted me to draw graphics for his application ( he didn't provide me with assets, I had asked) and I said when the first stage would be done. He agreed👌👌👌
But what happened then? I turned out that this guy even didn't remember what we had discussed before. I mean everything went wrong.
Graphics? - It seems that the job hadn't been done.
Deadline? - Why so long? If I had known I would have provided you with assets!🤬😡🤬

At that moment I had only one question: What a fuck?
I explained everything very politely and we decided to move forward and animate it.
Try to guess what happened then? He watched my animations and without any explanation just ended the contract😫

As a result: no money, bad statistics, wasted time and totally depressing thoughts.
I still ask myself what I did wrong, how I could fix these troubles, why he didn't provide me with clear feedback on what he had wanted to change. It's a regular workflow - get feedback and fix issues🤟

So I learned one big thing after this conflict. I start working with brief because it's your insurance and the document where your client describes everything that he want's to do. So you have no place for his wrong opinion, your misunderstanding and so on.
Of course, it doesn't guarantee that everything will be ok, yes, shit happens and even if you have the experience. You just have a new level of troubles and you have to get new skills to solve them✏

P.S. Right now the client don't answer on my questions, I opened the dispute because he ruined my rating and it even more valuable than money😎
P.S.2. Please, share below what you think about it and what troubles you had😋💖 



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