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I had been working on this for the past week and a half, hope you like it! Check the "characters" and "how to play" section for new material.

Feel free to share your favorites with folks online. All creators are at the mercy of fans wanting to share, and I ask of you similarly. Thank you. More strips this coming week now that that's set up.

Let me know of any other things I may or may not be able to implement into the site. It is wordpress, so maybe an RSS option is available. Do you still use RSS? What's it stand for?

edit: looks like wordpress cooks in RSS, so if you know what to do, put this link in your system and enjoy https://greatures.com/comic/feed/


Greatures - Greatures the comic strip


Skylar Opal

This is beautiful, love that logo!! I'll be following the "how to play" guide directly, can't wait to emit ps: unfortunately have no idea what RSS stands for but I am willing to learn

Mark Smith

Really Simple Syndication is the popular definition, and describes RSS much better than the original: RDF Site Summary.


I'm RSS pilled. I'm RSS maxxing right now.

Kit Spindler

i like the new character portraits a lot. a little online space for me to immerse myself in the greatures' world is just what i needed right now.

Chris J. Zähller

Here you go: https://greatures.com/comic/feed/

vivian violet

I love the greatures!!! this is so lovely


Bill the Cat energy

Stephen Maxwell

I still use RSS and I tell everyone I can how great it is. All the webcomics and blogs I follow go in there, and I just need to check one place to see if any of them updated, instead of cycling through dozens of bookmarks or tabs every day (or multiple times an hour "just in case"). It's algorithm-free, showing me everything I told it to show me and nothing I didn't. It's a remnant of the old open, nonproprietary web that's somehow still holding on despite being largely forgotten. It's wonderful.

Jesse Rhodes

if the entire city of toronto is in the tunnels, and so am I, does that mean I'm in there twice?