Greatures, 79 (Patreon)
Cooking up some Pigs in a Bucket for the New Years! We might have a bit of a wait on Greatures strip #80, as I'm doing something special for it. But I've got more pigs (strips) in my bucket (notes app) to get ready and prepare in the meantime.
So, if this be my last post on here for 2024, let me say: Good riddance to this year! I've had a trying time all year of some personal growth that has made me have to bust out of my old kids clothes that I've been holding onto for way too long. And I hope to be coming out of all this a better man. In that meantime, I'm gonna try to remember what made me draw in the first place and use that info to entertain the troops ("troops" being "all of us online," in this instance)! I'm sick of my own navel gazing and I can keep that to poems, if I have to. But in any case, I'm ready to throw this year in the dirt and drive away, laughing while I cry. Screaming while I laugh. Driving away from the killer, who does a chainsaw dance in frustration.
So, come and scream with me. Come and cry with me! In the new year.