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Ta-dah! There! Another one in da can! I'll worry about posting it later, and maybe I'll do a big post with em all for ya (I think 10 pages is the max on these things). But enjoy it! I have more with these freaks I wanna do, but I gotta focus on something else, I think.

edit: fixed word balloon tail placement

AS FOR THE EYES WITHOUT A FACE THIS IS FINE PRINT, I'll do a post over the weekend announcing their sale and we'll just go FIRST COME FIRST SERVE in the comments. I'll make sure to be on top of who's there first and once it's done it's done! Don't email me or DM me, asking for firsties! That's not how we're gonna do it! If ya miss it, ya miss it! Sorry! Details of the prints will be in the post as well. Okay see ya!!




Do things just naturally explode when you push them into water?