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it's not even october yet, and I'm givin' ya spooky stories all over the place! Here's part three of "HOW TO STOP A PROBLEM" my patreon only improv comic.

Missing what's been happening? Check the tag below to see the other posts OR click THIS LINK where I've put the entire thing SO FAR on one simple html page. 

THIS IS A SECRET LINK FOR PATREONS! So keep it to yourself, please! We're trying to have fun here and I'm trying to make the fun you can have just a little easier to enjoy. So giving out links to secret things like this kind of takes the fun out of it all. And you know how hard it is to have fun online these days? Sheesh!!



lympho nodge

i love the cut of ratgods jib


Once those holes got in, I was getting severe Tsutomu Nihei BLAME! era vibes

Star Babe

big statue! like the one in Rio!