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Hello. I am still here and I am happy to see that you are too! Pretty much right after I returned from seeing my family, I was tasked with moving all my things from one small apartment to another less-small apartment. And not one to turn down a challenge, I took it upon myself to do just that. But I am pretty much done and now I am trying to get back into the swing of things. Change is nice, but I need something steady again. I need to make comics again! Or else, who will ever listen to me?

Above is a slew of character heads I made for an updated character gallery for the FOA site. It will look nicer than static heads in a grid and will even contain names and species.

For now, I need to rest. I am in constant need for rest this past two weeks. Hopefully I will attain it. Thank you for your infinite patience. Be well.



Tom Striker

Be well, friend!

Dan Reeter

Love you KC


Rest well, good to hear from ya


I am skeptical. Provide me proof KC is alive. With like... I dunno... DNA?


Welcome back! Hope it was nice to see family and have some new digs.

Laura Morland

I haven't known you that long, and you moved into a new apartment just after I joined your Patreon! You even posted photos of your digs... I remember some cool blocks to hold up your work table, and a sweater on a chair. So two moves in a short period of time has got to be super stressful! I hpe you like this place.