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Well, it's for something I've had a hand in making with some other talented folk you may have heard of. Maybe you will like it or maybe your eyes will fall out of their head if you hear about it. Either way, I feel good about doing this piece and so do my colleagues! So I'm postin' it! The project this is for will be premiering this spooky, spooky month. So, take a chill pill!

Other than that, just letting you know where I'm at with work things: Mostly Waiting™! But also procrastinating cus I can. Though, I have penciled 5 pages of the next Cultists story, so the ball is rolling. Sometimes that's all a ball CAN do. I'll see ya soon! Thank you! Pinocchio's got 4 more days, so get a book secured from us! 



Pat McKenna

hell yeah, i love jumanji


I would LOVE to have that cover on my record (of course I'd need a band first, and musical talent).