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the apothecary diaries ep 1

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Historically, powerful men used to spread their seed as much as possible to preserve their lineage. Though that tends to apply to conquerors, not sure how it works in an established, seemingly peaceful, kingdom. I'll keep watching.


It's here! You are gonna enjoy this series Allona!


John, feel free to explain things we missed!

Imani Brooks

Yes! I'm so happy to see this! You're gonna love this series.


Maomao definitely a great MC

Imani Brooks

I'm guessing it's just following the heir and a spare rules, the more heirs, the better likelihood the dynasty continues, being based off ancient China and whatnot. Daughters can be used as bargaining tools later on too, so having them isn't too much of a detriment either.

Gus N

The intro is safe btw.


I love Maomao too ! Such a refreshing personality !