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Next Demo Update: February 28 (subject to changes)

Current word count: 61k (average of 25k words per gameplay)

Next update goal: 70k (for now, but this is all rough guessing)

The new demo update is live now! :D 

Play it here: https://dashingdon.com/play/leyendecker7/ace-of-spades/mygame/

It features MC's childhood story, meeting the final two ROs, L and R, all thieves gathered and chatting for a while, gossips, several pop culture references, and a lot of crime planning coupled with a small dose of info dump that just had to happen.

For the previous content, I made changes to chapter one in regards to the transition between past and present scenes, there's a longer scene with J at the end of chap one, and the muscle backstory was changed for extortion now, so it'd fit better with the rest. Made some minor stat changes, but at least now I'm more satisfied with it overall; it just looks better this way in my opinion.

For the next update, we'll have more crime planning, but this time a bit more hands on, as well as crime doing. 😌 It'll be so much fun and I can't wait to get started on it aaaa

I hope you all enjoy it! And please feel free to let me know of any mistakes you run into, and I'd also love to know how you like it 🥰


For the Patreon Exclusive Update:

Next update is going to wrap up chapter two, and will mark the end of this final and very long flashback. Here's a minor run down of the scenes I have planned for now:

  • Con prep according to specialization;
  • Running into J in the past;
  • The day of the con + how it went down + how it went wrong
  • MC getting arrested in detail;
  • MC closing the deal with the Bureau.


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