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Space Cop Behind the Scenes: Spaceship Timelapse

We had to re-use spaceship set walls for multiple rooms aboard an alien mothership.


That T'Wirp

That's so freaking cool. I'm so excited about how much effort ya'll put into this. I can't wait to see how hard it sucks! But seriously, #Oscars2016!


Fuck Star Wars, I want to see this! =D


This was really neat. Thank you! It'd be cool to hear you guys talk sometime about how you go about designing your sets, how you know if something is beyond your scope/budget, how you go about building this stuff, etc. When you see it in a timelapse you all make it seem so easy, but I'm sure there's a lot of interesting things going on that we'd love to hear about! Anywho, just an idea. Keep on trucking, you're almost done!


How many hours did it take to set all this up, then take it all down, if you don't mind me asking. Because damn, that's a lot of work.


Living the dream

Gega _

love the timelapse vids, thanks rlm

William Sircin

The lighting in the "movie" shot is beautiful, but part of me was hoping you'd just film with the ambient studio lighting.

My ex wife

I'm genuinely excited! I couldn't help grinning.

Matt P

Very cool! I'm looking forward to the behind the scenes of Spacecop almost as much as the movie itself. "How not to make a movie was great"


Awesome, awesome, awesome. I wish I could donate volunteer time and not just money, it looks like very hard work but also a lot of fun.


I kept thinking of how much knee and back pain follows the day after.