Momo's Weight Gain Comic Page 1 Frame 4 ~Patreon Only ~ (Patreon)
Once the entire order had arrived, Momo was starting to devour everything as if she hadn't eaten within a week! She didn't know how fast she had to cram every last bite down her throat!
This is the bustshot montage of Momo cramming everything as fast as she could down her throat. Next up will be a belly montage!
I am planning on making this like a comic with multiple pages. It will concist out of coloured rough sketches. The first 2 or 3 frames are for free, but the rest will be for my patrons on Patreon only~
Do you want to get acces to this weight gain comic once it's done? Consider upgrading to a higher tier and you will be rewarded with my appreciation but more importantly, you're unlocking AAALLLL of the other sequences and Patreon-only work in full resolution!
Momo © Fixala~Nagini