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Hello everyone!

Here it is! The Mirror!

I was very excited to work on this request, and thank you to WaitingShadow for the great idea, his patience, and all the idea sharing to make this work.
It was strange, no being able to use my usual camera angles on this one, but definitely something new, which I do embrace :)

I really hope this video meets his expectation, and that it meets yours as well!

I hope you enjoy :)

Stay awesome!

LINK TO VIDEO: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/r6gph49jwakp9n6jj9zi7/TheMirror_Final.mp4?rlkey=588r3ic9qh6s128ur6ci5wsgk&st=neomvo4v&dl=0



stefan Dittrich(Xardas102)

very nice work. Its Hot, how both Bodies changing over time. Especially the Demon is sexy as Hell at the End. i love this Video.😍😘


Awesome work. And not wrong about the camera angles. And thr demon character was hot


Wow great vid and i love the demon character


Met and exceeded all expectations!!! I thank you for the brainstorming and creative input we both were able to share back and forth.!!! I hope everyone is able to enjoy the vision!!!


I love this demon’s video, please if it’s possible make more like this with Demon character! Amazing work btw🔥


Best video ever. Do a part 2 please

Jack Koehler

Fantastic work, I know you are incredibly busy now, but please prenez soin de vous.


Everything was on point, various camera angles, especially at the end with multiple mirrors, nice touch, sound effects, moans, yum. Overall, just makes me want MORE 😉 Looks like you did alot of work, and it was worth it for me, well done!


Well done! Seeing the multiple mirrors at the end, I feel like this could be a multi part series. Maybe his friends come looking for him or something along those lines? Starting a collection of “toys” in that big room? Also wouldn’t mind seeing the main character turn into a more feminine figure. But absolutely fantastic job!


Haha I think we are all her little “piglets”


Unbelievable hot, I think nany of us would wish that this mirror really exist in our world. (;