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I am so sorry, my computer had a little bit of trouble rendering this one, but here it is!

I would like to thank Ali for his patience, understanding, and very detailed character design and scenario.
This commission is almost a year late, and prfoundly apologize for that.

In this story, William and Stella are roommates, living together, but it's not going well.
Stella is unemployed, not very invested in taking care of the house, and downright sloppy; even though she is cheerful and very free spirited, whereas William is tidy and, pretty much uptight.

Well, these two were bound to clash, in the best way possible of course :)

I hope you enjoy.

LINK TO VIDEO: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zd1vuuo2iaig717yd1ra2/SloppyRoommate.mp4?rlkey=q7t80jycyfck4zdod4v68po8e&dl=0



Frank B

Excellent work.

BuddyLike 19

Great,I like it.By the way,enjoy your vacation.

Steven Kleppin

Would love to see more Stella.


Any reason I can't download this one? My connection sucks for streaming would want to properly enjoy this after downloading, if you get my drift.. "D