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Hello everyone!!

I'm almost ready to get back to work (this work, I've been working IRL non stop this past week, my country's kinda crazy, not gonna lie...).

I have succesfully reinstalled most of the mods on a laptop to finish up the upcomming characters of the next VIP video, so here's a little teasing :)

As a reminder, the next 3 VIP Commissions I'll be working on are overdue, and they include, in order:

An original story happening at a Gym

A new Feral Episode

A new Becca & Max episode

Yeah, two gym-related vids, talk about New Year resolutions huh? :D

Hope you're all doing well, and I really miss working on the vids, but not to worry, I'm about to scratch that itch very VERY soon ;)

Stay awesome!





Sweet and glad you are doing okay and can't wait for these vids. Big time for the Feral one.


Already liking what I see, can't wait when it will be released

BuddyLike 19

Great,you are back.

Diego Bonilla

Very excited for the max and Becca story


Glad to hear, can't wait for more content! Hope you feel good about them, that's when they're the best!