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Okay, I suggest all of you read this as to know what will be happening with my Patreon from this day forward. I have recently found out that one of my subscribers is stealing my content and posting it on a 3rd party website, at the moment there is nothing I can do about it as I don't know who is doing it. So for now I'm having to take measures to insure this doesn't happen anymore. With that being said let me explain what is going to happen.

From now on instead of posting the link and password to the videos in the post itself, subscribers will be sent a mass message EACH DAY with the link and password to the archive where they will be able to watch and download my most recent videos, the password for the archive WILL CHANGE EVERY SINGLE WEEK! This means that if you subscribe to me after the link has already been sent out that week then YOU WILL HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL THE NEXT DAY BEFORE YOU GET THE LINK TO WATCH ANY OF MY VIDEOS! I know this will upset some people and probably anger new people that subscribe to me for the first time and for that I am very sorry, I would rather this be the case then to let people continue to steal from me.

Again, links and passwords will no longer be posted on my Patreon. Instead they will be sent out at the beginning of each week to subscribers!

If you are still confused I suggest re-reading the post again as I cannot make it any clearer, DM me with any questions if you have them.


sasquatch gaming

I understand but still this sucks I just redid my subscription

Dennis Wippo

Do what ever you need to do im sure theyll come around