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thank you all for waiting..! there is so much problem when i draw the babies.. =_=
sooooo.. here it is~ Yoimiya Part 2!  ('v' ) <3 <3 <3

alrigth, for next plan.. who will i draw first? Kirara? Furina? or others? *w*




Dibs on kirara shed be the best one to go next an btw amazing work again love it


Its finally here, wooooh! Honestly, i was expecting it to drop before new year, which didnt seem to work out in the end but that doesnt matter. Words cannot describe how grateful i am for this masterpiece of yours; i simply cant. You did something, i ever wanted to happen! If it was for me, i would really like to see some "Furina", but i couldnt care less right now, since ive already got what i wanted. Again; you have my absolute gratitude from now on. Keep cooking, Hoshino; keep cooking banger food!


ooohohohooo!!! thank you!!! thank you so much for the comment!! <3 <3 im really glad you love the art! :D yeaah sorry about the delay.. i didnt expect that long for drawing all the babies.. x_x because of that, now i know how to draw the babies mixed with creatures! >v< sure sure! i will note that.. so next.. Kirara, and Furina.. ^v^ <3 <3