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Happy August, everyone!

You know what that means - it's time for Summer Scenario fun!

I'm so excited to dive into these scenarios and all the awesome exclusive Patreon content coming your way this month!




So excited for those scenarios!!! And that yellow background color is so pleasant and late summer-y, very fitting.

Brandon Gill

It’s so hot down where we live. Let’s go on the lake for a cool down! Summer is an awesome time to swim. I hope the summer has been well for everyone!


It's a 116° degrees here and my AC barely hanging on i could not image M lasting very long here haha


Excited for everything, but especially the Q&A + villain sneak peak!!

Jason Bond

Can't wait for N's Summer scenario. Last year's was cold shower worthy LOL


So excited for this month!! And the Q&As aaah!!!

Ant Lrt

I'm here for the villain romance sneak peeks.

Taylor S.

Yayyy Character Q&A, my fave 🤩


Oooh this month is gonna be fun. 🤩