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The choice:

Try to distract from it. "At least it's a dry evening."



Linda Self

That quest of escorting Aveline is so painful! LOL


lmao please say you’re keeping this in!

Jason Bond

My mind is in the gutter when. I read that line LOL.


Avaline tried so hard it hurted helping her. At least she got A for effort

Renata dos Santos

Oh Avaline... This brought back so many memories hahahaha omg I love this, who is this answer to I wonder 👀

Exana Zen

A++ pick up line tbh, def one of my all time favorite lines in Dragon Age ✨


Perfect. No Notes.


Haha, that line from Aveline will always be one of my favourite things in Dragon Age

The thorn of Britannia

Dear heavens I have such a love-hate relationship with dragon age 2. I enjoy the combat and the mage/templar conflict. But I was not a fan of the redesign of the darkspawn and the mass effect dialog wheel also bothered me. Forgive the rant dragon age 2 just inspires very strong feelings within me both positive and negative 😅