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This week was a realisation of just how close Christmas break is, lol!

So then it was making sure to get everything checked off!

That was a bit more of a squeeze this year as the Winter scenario specials have all ended up waaaaay longer than I meant them to by thousands of words… :D

So that’s been nearly 20,000 words extra this month on top of making sure to hit my chapter 6 goals!

Though writing the scenarios and chapter six meant I got to write multiple Adam/Ava kisses this week: for the scenario and the main game. So it’s been a busy week for A ;D

I will be working this weekend and likely next week, but I will be starting my break from social media, etc, from tomorrow. In the same vein, we will be back on January 6th but won’t be back on social media, etc until 13th January.

That first week back will be used for planning out the year ahead and getting a head start on a lot of very fun stuff to come!


For Update+ this week, a moment where Farah/Felix goes into more detail about their initial introductions with the team…


"I'm not sure any time is an easy time to step into a role within an established team," Farah/Felix says before sliding her/his gaze to me. "Something you learned."

I chuckle, my breath wheezing around the sound as my mind spins with the continuing pain. "True."

"But Nate/Nat was very welcoming anyway, even with all the turmoil and emotions that were going on with them at the time,” Farah/Felix continues. “Mason/Morgan was…well, they were Mason/Morgan. And Adam/Ava was protective. Still is. I think it was left over from whatever happened before."


Hope you all have the most amazing and magical holiday season if you celebrate! If not, then I hope you have a fantastic December and New Year!

There’s a lot planned for 2025, and I’m already excited to get started, hehe! :D

Talk to you all then! <3



MULTIPLE ADAM/AVA KISSES? Buckle your seatbelts A-mancers.


A: MULTIPLE KISSES?! The winter scenarios are amazing! Thank you for them! Have a great break and holidays!


Kisses??? Plural?? 😳 Us A-mancers are being fed good in here!


Yep I'm stuck on the MULTIPLE KISSES part


Ava kisses.. in the same sentence?? Are we finally getting through to our very hot stubborn leader??


yay A kisses! poor MC has only been waiting forever. 🥹


I'm sorry, you're just gonna sneak in there that [A] GETS A KISS IN CH.6?!?!?!?! 😳😳😭😭😭 This is the best news, us A-mancers are feasting for the holidays (before the inevitable [A]-ngst sets in which we also love hahah) Anyways I hope you guys enjoy your holiday break!!! Thanks so much for all your hard work and everything you do, it is so so appreciated :)))

Lindsey S

Multiple A Kisses!?!?! 😱😱😱 I guess I won't be playing M or Li-Sar's route first then 😂😂 Time to go back to my very first detective instead!


I don't think its book one they're talking about, it's when F first joined, so would it be that the emotions and turmoil are from whatever happened with the ex-member??

Ant Lrt

Well well, you really kicked the ant's nest by mentioning *multiple* kisses with A lol

Ant Lrt

I'm an omni-mancer, I mance many and I'm buckling my seatbelt like there's no tomorrow. Mishka warned us about upping the angst in B4 and that will be delicious.


Omni-mancer is a good word for it! I always play all the routes, so getting to try out a villain route is an interesting change of pace. Adam/Ava just has a special place in my heart. Better buckle that seatbelt extra tight LOL! I know I will.


No kidding. Maybe that was one last way to rile us up before they go on holiday LMAO


As an aside, if you're going offline in the immediate future, when can we expect the Adam/Ava winter scenario special?

Ant Lrt

I don't take anything a writer writes as random, this was planned. lol


oh i reread it - thank you for the clarification!! Makes a lot more sense!


No problem, I'm hoping this means we might learn more about them and what went down 🤞


I really really hope so! i want to know everything about X-member

Exana Zen

Múltiple A kisses?! It’s a Christmas miracle 🥹🙌😭

Rachel Stone

My little heart deserved this this christmas. Lol thank you for the best gift Sera!




M-Multiple A Kisses??????? Excuse me???????? WHAT????????????