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I hope you guys enjoy today's patron-exclusive upload, another Drunk & Dangerous Worst-Rated Creepypastas!  Sit back and listen while I read and roast the worst-rated Creepypastas that live on the internet.



Marley Monroe

Omg yes! Exactly what my didn’t want to get out of bed morning needs. Although I’ve been catching up on all of the DnD audios, often as my wind down before sleep, and now my dreams are fuuucked. 🤣 Worth it.


Try reading (Man Door Hand Hook Car Door) it is a masterpiece reading causers brain cell loss.

Ike Moore

As the common fat friend...I approve of your opening remarks


How desperate is that dude to post something?! What in the actual fuck 😂 what was he posting? What needed to be dispatched so desperately that this twat is willing to lose a tooth?! I have more questions.

Christopher Martinez

One of my favorite creepypasta is we should all fear the old horns

Jeremy Knight

That thing about the Post Office really reminds me of what my Mom is going through. her back molar is cracked and she's afraid of having it removed because she needs it to chew.I've had my fair share of tooth issues... I've had 4 root canals and I accidentally removed a filling while biting my nails


I always enjoyed SCP Foundation more than Creepypasta, but wow these people need to play Dungeons and Dragons and get some short writing skills.

Cody Lancaster

I think it would be awsome if dangerous did the Q/A as a drunk and dangerous

JoStal Dance

I love it, thank youu!!! ☺️✨✨✨ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️