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Hey, guys.  So, in addition to the Character Q&A, I thought I would offer you a chance to ask me some questions, too!*

Put your questions in the comments below and I'll answer them in a future Wednesday audio (or two, or three... or five...)!  If you've ever wanted to pick my brain, here's your chance.

*Due to privacy reasons, I won't answer questions relating to personal stuff.  So no "relationship status/age/where do you live so I can go to your house" type of things, really.  Thank you for your assumed understanding!


Kobe Kent

What kind of recording equipment do you use? Which is your favorite?

Brandon Tracy (edited)

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2021-07-21 12:42:57 Hello! So I love the fact you do fantasy themed videos and characters; I love it! But I’ve always wondered if you play fantasy games, like DND for example. Keep up the good work <3
2021-04-23 20:31:59 Hello! So I love the fact you do fantasy themed videos and characters; I love it! But I’ve always wondered if you play fantasy games, like DND for example. Keep up the good work <3

Hello! So I love the fact you do fantasy themed videos and characters; I love it! But I’ve always wondered if you play fantasy games, like DND for example. Keep up the good work <3

Aloha it’s See

What is your favorite Type of Pizza?

Edward Leigh

What recording/editing software do you use?

Lavender Delight (she, her) (edited)

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2021-07-21 12:42:56 💗 If you could exchange matching friendship necklaces with any fictional character (including your own) or with a person from history, who would it be &amp; why?
2021-04-23 20:32:23 💗 If you could exchange matching friendship necklaces with any fictional character (including your own) or with a person from history, who would it be & why?

💗 If you could exchange matching friendship necklaces with any fictional character (including your own) or with a person from history, who would it be & why?

The Mexican't

Do you know how to kick-flip


Where do you get your ideas for monster girls? Vampires and werewolves are pretty common. But what about a monster like Venus?


Is it weird to be constantly listening to your own voice, or do you get used to it after a while?


If you could turn any of your audio series into a movie/TV series, what would you pick and why? (Feel free to list multiple if “favorite” is too hard) I know you’ve said you enjoy the horror genre, what are some of the things that make you like it so much? What are some audio ideas you’ve had that you don’t think you’ll ever do? (Be it about preexisting characters and stories, or not)


Favorite character you've done? If answered already, if I may, what is your favourite quote from any of the audios you've produced? 😊


What is/are your fav film(s)?


What would your thoughts on a slightly less ASMR driven Rp kinda series? (Definitely have good ideas there)


How you start all of this amazing ASMR? What's your inspiration?

Ak Uchiha

What’s your favorite show?

Blake Devon

Is there a character from an anime/animated series that you would've liked to voice?


how did you come up with the idea of doing asmr? what do you enjoy most about it?😊 and have you a favourite character/ series?👀 thank you for this opportunity and I really love and appreciate your work!! stay safe and dangerous💕

Maxfield Grassy

Is your SO aware that you make audio roleplays? What was their reaction when they found out?


Do you get overwhelmed by all the different series/ stories you have to do?


What's your favourite type of script to receive from others? In terms of topic, way it's written, what happens within the script itself, the character, etc!


Which of your own characters do you relate to the most? AND What got you started in ASMR/role plays? P.S. Pie or Cake?


Dear Dangerous, Do you like the legend of zelda ? And if so would you consider making a Gerudo woman asmr ?


ASMR-related question: How much time does the whole process typically take for you to produce one audio, including writing, recording, and editing? (I’m sure it varies but is there an approximate?) For fun question: If you were only allowed to drink one alcoholic beverage for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Snub Birth

What is the most horrible thing you laughed at but felt that you shouldn't have?


Do you have a favorite book? If so, what is it and do you have any recommendations?

Stephen as Moviebuff3000

Hey DA I have 3 questions. -What are some of your favorite lines from Troll 2? -In your busy schedule are you still able to or have interest in playing Video Games. And what are your favorite video games. -What is an audio of yours that you would consider underated? Oh wait that was 4....whoops.


Why/what made you get into asmr in the first place? P.S your asmr helped my 2020 depression and I cant thank you enough. Much love.

Jerry Chen

If anyone ever recognized your voice in public, would you greet them or pretend you aren't yourself? Also fuck/marry/kill for your characters? Keep up the great work!!! You da best!!!!


What famous voice actor would you want to work with on a project? Did you go to college and if so what was your major?


If you could do any licensed asmr character, who would you choose??


I don't know what to ask really haha, so I'm just going to say that you have one of the most incredible voices I've ever heard, miss DA. Love ya!

Michael Lam Nguyen

Did you think that you would learn new skills involving audio production when you started asmr? What are some of the audio production skills/knowledge that captivated you to learn more of to better improve your productions and/or sound quality?


Hello ,I love anything on succubus , and I wish you can make a dark wicked vicious succubus story or series, and 20 min is short ,I would like to sleep on a longer story. Thanks


Are there any ASMRtists on youtube you have wanted or tried to do a collaboration with?


Ooh awesome, thanks for this opportunity! How did you find an audience when you started out as a VA? I'd love some advice, asking for a friend. Hope you have an amazing day! 🖤


What is something you are passionate about?


Do you think you could fuck up all the golden girls in a fight and would you prefer fighting them in quick succession or over a few weeks in a grand prix/tournament event? And does your answer change if they are in their prime (as golden girls so they would still be like 60)? Sorry for the long questions, I take fighting very seriously


What was the best concert u ever went to ?

Dangerous' Freya❤️

Do you love Pusheens? , if so How many Pusheens Do you have?


Which character requires the least acting? In other words, which one is DA most like? The MILF ones seem really natural for you and the Condescending Secretary (whom I adore) seem to me to be closest.

Quintana Florent

Your channel is called dangerous ASMR so sometimes you bring some heavy topics in your audios and videos. Isn't it too hard sometimes for yourself? If so, how do you handle such moment? (Also asking for myself if you have any advice because I love your videos but I'm sensitive to some parts of your content)


Have you ever done any form of vocal training? Do you do any warmups to get into character or does it come naturally? Would you ever consider releasing a collection of the songs from your ASMR? Killing me softly in the goddess of madness was brilliant. Would love an album! Going to be a fun Q and A. Have a great weekend!



Are you into gaming? If so what kind of games do you like to play?

Jeremy Knight

How often do you do Custom erotic audios? I always hear about Customs in the discord and wanted to know the difference between those and the erotic audios you put up on patreon. I am aware of the custom audios you share here sometimes.

Alden Tolbert

Hello. One question. What’s your favorite dinosaurs?


Just wanted to ask, how are you doing homie

Sean Feiertag

What is your favorite pantheon and who is your favorite god/ess and why?


Lol this is creator not character. Dangerous already did a character Q n A.

Derek Casagrande

What is your favorite extinct animal? What is your favorite non-extinct animal?

J (edited)

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2021-07-21 12:42:27 Have you considered expanding your channel into other things? like cooking, bad movie reviews, music or something else. Is there a chance you would ever write a book/lightnovel of the forest characters? What is your advice for people who are struggling to find motivation when trying to do things ? Finally what is your next goal ? Like we have had merch and the live d&amp;d, so what is next ?
2021-04-23 22:38:50 Have you considered expanding your channel into other things? like cooking, bad movie reviews, music or something else. Is there a chance you would ever write a book/lightnovel of the forest characters? What is your advice for people who are struggling to find motivation when trying to do things ? Finally what is your next goal ? Like we have had merch and the live d&d, so what is next ?

Have you considered expanding your channel into other things? like cooking, bad movie reviews, music or something else. Is there a chance you would ever write a book/lightnovel of the forest characters? What is your advice for people who are struggling to find motivation when trying to do things ? Finally what is your next goal ? Like we have had merch and the live d&d, so what is next ?


So I’m not sure if anyone has asked this before but, have you thought about writing a novel or some other type of literary story? Cause you have great ideas and you seem to really enjoy creating different universes with in depth characters.I was wondering if you wanted to or plan on doing that some time in your life. Also, I would understand if this was a personal question but are you attracted to both men and women in real life or because you want to connect better to your audience through representation and others perspective?

Alison (edited)

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2021-07-21 12:42:26 Here's a simple one, but one I love to ask: what kind of music do you enjoy listening to? &lt;3
2021-04-23 23:07:57 Here's a simple one, but one I love to ask: what kind of music do you enjoy listening to? <3

Here's a simple one, but one I love to ask: what kind of music do you enjoy listening to? <3


How are you doing?

nicholas ch

What drives you past creative block ? Like do you have a dedicated thing you do to help push past it?

Richard Fenicks

If you could re-write or reimagine one of your audios or series, which one would you choose and why?


When are you going to admit that your cat is the one writing all these stories, and that you are merely a pawn in their quest for global domination?


If everything (walls, trim, floor, furniture, pillows, toilets, etc.) in your home and everywhere you live afterwards for the rest of your life had to be just one color (no different shades), which color would you choose? And which color would you choose for your worst enemy?


Favorite Soap

Greg Done

What's your favourite character that you've portrayed in your fantastic audios? Mine is your yandere werewolf by the way, I'd love to see more of her!


The way you voice your characters is amazing. Especially when you voice multiple characters together. How do you do it? Did you practice doing it before you started stared doing these roll plays Did you act in your previous career? Your work is amazing!


Okay. What character that you have played is closest to your actual personality?


Which character that you voiced do you like the most? Which character do you tend to dislike? What inspires you to create the characters you voice?


Do you play Genshin Impact?


If you couldn't do audios, what else would you (other jobs or hobbies)?


If you can laugh about it now (and not reveal anything identifiable) , describe the worst date you've been on.


Domme GF sexy time?


serial killer, when you gonna come back? i miss you dude, you’re my favorite btw


1st off hope your doing well 2nd do you play or have played Final fantasy 14? 3rd are there any plans for more sci fi audios in the future?(like the yandere elevator or among us audios) And last but not least, cereal with milk or water and why?

John Sanchez

Do you go off script a lot and improvise? Or do you always stay on what your reading?

Inkling Main

What fetishes are you most into? What are your thoughts on vore and size content? Also what’s your favorite dinosaur?

Will H

Two questions. 1.Anyone you would like to do an n/sfw collab with? And 2. Is it odd the reason I started listening to you is cause yandere voice reminds me of Callisto from xena warrior princess? I'm old I know


How do you figure out and decide what each character's voice will be? What preparation do you go through before recording the voices for the characters? What's the longest conversation you've had with your cats?


What kind of music do you enjoy?

Marley Monroe

1)What were the early days of choosing to start your asmr journey like and how did you deal with the learning process/feeling like your audios could be more than you knew how to do from a technical standpoint at the time? 2)If you were to pick a favorite film, what meal would you pair with it that you feel either embodies the aesthetic of said film OR just would be a fun movie and dinner situation. (this got semi cerebral and I'm only slightly sorry) 3) If you could skin one person, as one peels the skin from an apple....nothing crazy here....and turn them into apple crisp, who would it be and why? Weeeeeee


Do you follow a specific daily routine in order to keep yourself on schedule? What genre of music do you usually like to sing? When’s the soggy apple bottom jean merch coming out?


If you could live in the world of any film,what film would you pick and why? Do you have any favorite game shows and what are they? Do you put milk before cereal or cereal before milk?


1) What has been the hardest sound effect to record for an audio? 2) What is your favourite sound effect you have recorded for an audio? 3) have you considered getting a P. O box?


Do you like spicy foods? And if so how hot can you handle?

glob galob

How do you overcome/handle writer's block? Are there any stories right now that you find it hard to continue or write for?


Hey Dangerous, what's your guilty pleasure?


1). Favorite video game? 2). What is your happy place when life just gives you to much shit? 3). In the past you takes about what got you into doing ASMR, but other then that do you have another job/jobs or is this it? 4). Why are you so amazing? 5). This isn’t a question but thank you for everything you do it means a lot. I appreciate it so much


Can you do back-flips?


I recall you having a roommate. Any plans on getting an apartment/house just for yourself? Is there anything else that you'd love to try your hand at?


how tall are you??


have you ever had a girlfriend?


What is your favorite game?

Foxxy Boi

Scenario question if that’s okay. It’s night time And your alone walking to MACdonalds for a delicious hamburger, when suddenly a lil1 foot taller critter that somewhat resembles a hairless ape approaches you. He looks up at you with his milky eyes and pulls out a small golden amulet, while extending his arm towards you he gives a brown smile and asks “do you wanna see how far this rabbit hole goes” Do you A- pour boiling milk all over the creature so he learns a lesson about not talking to women EVER B- ask him to accompany you to MACdonald’s and talk about the amulet later C- see how far the rabbit hole goes


How many 5 year olds do you think you could fight?


Would you consider getting into audio narration for books like Audible if the opportunity were ever to present itself?

Sa'ood Khan

hey please finish the vampire seduce with the werewolf and the witch that one was so amazing please 🙏


Sorry if this is a weird question but are there any types of kinks in nsfw audios you want to do in the future or do again? Love your content always.


Favourite films?


In your opinion, what would it take to make the world a better place?

Mika Koverola

Where do you get your inspiration from? Can you tell us about the process of creating your characters and stories?


Do you have any favorite people who do audio


You stay strapped?


What was your weirdest experience?

Shirokage66 (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-21 12:41:59 I’ve always been into Vampires and Werewolves, but since I’ve started listening to your audios I discovered I now have a thing for Giantess’s, Lamia’s, &amp; Orc Girls. Thank you and keep up the great work Miss Dangerous, also what are some of your favorite horror movies and/ or horror games if any?
2021-04-25 17:25:30 I’ve always been into Vampires and Werewolves, but since I’ve started listening to your audios I discovered I now have a thing for Giantess’s, Lamia’s, & Orc Girls. Thank you and keep up the great work Miss Dangerous, also what are some of your favorite horror movies and/ or horror games if any?

I’ve always been into Vampires and Werewolves, but since I’ve started listening to your audios I discovered I now have a thing for Giantess’s, Lamia’s, & Orc Girls. Thank you and keep up the great work Miss Dangerous, also what are some of your favorite horror movies and/ or horror games if any?

Nathan Jones

What kinda job would be your dream job if not this?


So I imagine collaboration audios take a lot of time to create (I don’t see how they couldn’t) but aspects about collabs make them more difficult to create (if at all). I’m really interested in the creative process and collabs seem like the most complex scenario in my head. Thank you and I love your audios! 😊


That last question. 😱😂 Nothing crazy at all. Weeee


Hi would you ever consider making a gangbang audio?


If you are able to combine 2 types of food to make your own customized super meal, which would you combine?


If you became a supervillain overnight, what is the first thing you would do? Also, what’s your favorite drink (alcoholic or otherwise)?


Have you ever scared yourself when recording something on the darker side?

Peťo Build

Do you call YouTube your job and admit it when talking to others? Do you do something else and you find time for asmr or is it your only income? Have you ever done voice acting elsewhere (movies, games)? Also what music do you like to listen to?


With all the characters you voiced who do you think is the most evil, most neutral and most good and why?


what do you order at taco bell?


If you could go back and change any of the stories you've written in any way, which ones and how? (For no reason other than more time to reflect /think on it or more writing experience that you didnt have before)

Ricky Guerrero

I remember you sang Bang Bang by Nancy Sinatra awhile ago, any other oldie but goldie songs and or artists you like?


hi is me again. Hope your still doing well. thanks to the amazing youtube algorithim putting a Kamen Rider on my recommended page I now have to ask. Have you watch Kamen Rider before? (I myself havent watched it yet outside of youtube clips but it looks fun enough to be on my watch list... along side many other shows/animes/etc that I YET havent watched)


what’re 3 assumptions you firmly believe you can make about your audience (1 general, 1 male, 1 female) ?

Jean Ramazzini

I don't know if it's to late to ask. This is actually my first time ever on patreon. But what is your favorite character in the whole dangerverse? And did you take any voice acting lessons? I'm amazed at how good you're, thanks for making these audios they're the highlight of my day 💜


Hi, since i procrastinate quite a lot, i must ask. Where do you find the motivation to produce such wondrous and so many audios? What makes you get out of bed in the morning and start it?(besides coffee 😃) Feel free to ignore it if it's too personal. You rock.


Do you ever receive negative feedback? How do you address it?


What's your workout routine?


Hey! Hope I'm not too late to join in on the Q&amp;A fun! 1. What’s your favorite type of weed and what’s your favorite way of consuming it? 2. If you could shapeshift into any of your characters, who would you pick and why? 3. What’s your favorite genre and/or character type to write for and why? Weird bonus question, if you feel like answering: What’s your favorite kind of facial hair?