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I hope you enjoy today's early (belated*) upload, the continuation of the Biker Girl ASMR Roleplay series, written once again by the marvelous Ludpig von Jackie!

*I think I have come to the heart of the problem -- when I first created my schedule, the audios I was making were (on average) shorter and less complex than the typical audio I make now.  As a result, it takes me longer in both the recording studio (closet) and in post-production.  This means some of my audios will take an extra day to be completed to my satisfaction.  And, you know, I can live with that.  I hope you can, too.

On that note, I'm going to try and have the next NSFW up Saturday, but it might take until Sunday.  If you want to yell at me about it, come to the live tomorrow at 8 pm EST in my Discord, where we'll chat and read some bad erotica.  C'mon, you know you want to!



Dangerous' Freya❤️

Let the roadtrip continue! (Take all the time you need Da!) ❤️😊🤗

John Snow

There any chance of a FxM?


I have been hoping for a part 2 to this one! I love how we're getting to know these characters. And something occurred to me - there are some people who when they ask you to take your hand, you just know it will all be okay. Yay for the promise of a road trip.

Jeremy Knight

Can relate to the listener about never going on vacation, it's always been school hollidays and summer breaks. It's nice to hear about her past and how she met Nat. It's fine how long you take, I imagine it can a while depending on how long the script is and how many sound effects there are.

Camilo Iribarren

I always want more Biker girls. Bring on the motorcycle rides and romance

Mad Fuqr

Was worried the delays stemmed from a lack of muse/drive or depression, but knowing it’s just taking longer to develop these is very reassuring; take your time and stay well.


Love myself some slow burn romance ❤️‍🔥


Yes! More character backstory! The storytelling, voice acting, and quality of your audios only gets better. I also can't complain about a lengthier listen. Can we just yell and scream nice things at you instead?

Sa'ood Khan

Hey man you always make the best shit if you ever feel it'll take a little longer it's cool man because you never disappoint so never feel you gotta hit a deadline with us do what you gotta do less stress for you is less stress for us


Duplicate takes at 7:15 and 7:23, I think. This was nice and I want to thank you for producing these and sharing with us!


No worries on the extra post-production time DA. If it garners a better outcome of content and more importantly doesn’t play on your stress levels or MH than I, like I’m sure everyone else can more than acclimate to any schedule rework, darlin’. Either way, you have and continue to pump out quality content for us numbskulls so, if you just told us to shut up and take…Well I do love complying for stunningly creative women. Achillies heel and all that 😅


Tbh i didnt even remember your original schedule i thought this Betated stuff has just become a meme. You take your time when its ready its ready.


I don't mind delays. Your voice is worth it for sure. (Especially when it's so good, it can put me to restful sleep in spite of neighbours playing radio full blast at 02:00 in the morning)


Delays aren't the end of the world, when they're ready they're ready 😗


makes sense that your videos have gotten longer and more intensive, so they take a bit longer, no worries! Love your stories