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I hope you enjoy today's early upload, a visit with a dark elf (via imprisonment), written by the wonderful JM!

What led you here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/70721133



Darth Vader

Awesome! I’ve been waiting for a drow rp

Jeremy Knight

Oh! so that's what happened at the end of the High Elf story? I didn't think we'd end up with a Dark Elf. I thought this was the sexy Dark Elf we met at a Bar. I feel so sorry that her people became so divided over humans... didn't think we would wash up to an Elf civil war of all things.


"We came in peace" Yeah, yeah. Everyone says they came in peace. And you know what? You might not be wrong you might actually think that you were a peaceful people. But what you think and what the facts are two separate things. I can bet you any amount of money that there was violence on both sides. Humans are greedy and superstitious yes, but Elves are prideful and arrogant. I wouldn't be surprised if you were angry that the humans didn't grovel before you and fired at them. There's always two sides.


Drow action, hell yeah! It's somehow very charming to be complimented by her. I can't wait to hear what she will do now that she knows we're not a spy. 👀


I too, thought this was the sexy drk Elf merc we met at the bar, a little sad it’s not but, I’m also happy to finally continue the adventures of our wandering self-imposed “elven scholar/student of elven culture”. I expected our next stop would be the Drow but, the fact a High Elf basically drugged us in the last installment and then appears to have sold us to Drow slavers…Makes me miss having that arrow pointed at my heart by the Wood Elf…yikes!


the sound of that door brought me right back to the grandfather clocks and suits of armor falling over in Return to Castle Wolfenstein

Megan Bright

I absolutely adore this! Thank you DA and JM!!!


Beautiful timing with me playing Baldur's Gate and D&D recently


Good acting, you actually managed to keep me engaged even if the story was mediocre at best.


Apprently for a human, im hot shit. DA out done herself again....