Rewards Recap & Upcoming Content (Patreon)
April has arrived, I'm back from Sakura-con, and ready to go full steam ahead with art!
Here's content that has come out between the last update and now:
And here's what will be dropping over the next month:
Archmage Demia (Interspecies Reviewers) Painting
Mitsuru Kirijo (Persona) NSFW Comic
Shizune (Katawa Shoujo) Sketch Redo
Sketch bundles (15+ images total)
I will be streaming sketch requests from our $50 patrons as well as other content in the coming weeks. If you are interested in watching me stream, follow me on Picarto - you will get e-mail or push notifications when I go live.
Got any questions, suggestions or otherwise? Feel free to drop a comment here or message me here or on my Discord Patrons-only channel #pizza-party. And, as always, thank you for your support.