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Enjoy all this month's public sketch requests! You can view and download them all here as well.

Next month's theme will be retro, my totally arbitrary cutoff for that will be 20 years, which may make some of us feel a lot older, but time marches on. To make things less complicated, I will be allowing retro characters that still have stuff being made today, and I'll do my best to keep their original designs in mind with the spirit of yesteryear. $5+ and $15+ patrons will be allowed to nominate characters for this theme for the animation and painting, specifically.

A couple extra things will be worked on and completed in June, that being the Megumin NSFW animation, Fio animation and Nagatoro NSFW voiced video, which all just need an extra day or two of work to get done. I will admit I am a little behind on work as real life and other work has gotten in the way more than I'd like recently, but I am confident that it'll be worth the wait for all of them.

Thank you all for your support, patience and company this month - without you, none of this would be possible. As always, I hope you are looking forward to another month full of brand new content! Retro is one of my favorite themes and I can't wait to revisit it. See you on the other side!




Genial 👍