Female HD Feet (Mod) (Patreon)
Replaces the feet of every female character (Story and CaS).
Also includes some items that show feet.
100% compatible with the oily mod.
Commissioned by virtualsoles.
Hotfix: Fixed Tira's feet (Story).
Update: Compatible with the latest DLCs
Update 2: Fixed Seong's socks compatibility with other items.
Update 3: Compatible with new items.
Update 4: Compatible with Cassandra DLC.
Update 5: Compatible with Hilde DLC (CaS).
Update 6: Added Shapeshifter race.
Update 7: Seams fixed! Added Colossus race.
Update 8: Compatible with Setsuka and Creation Set E DLCs.
Update 9: Compatible with Creation Set F DLC.
Update 10: Added a variation for Cassandra's damaged costume that shows all toes. Place it and the original mod together.
Also added backfaces to Cassandra's damaged pantyhouse in the main mod.
Update 11: Added a second variation for Cassandra's damaged pantyhouse.
Update 12: Added compatibility with the updated Breakable Items mod.
Update 13: Added compatibility with both updated Mileena's Costume and Mileena's Breakable Costume mods.
Male version here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/male-hd-feet-mod-25299281