February Poll Winners + Status Update (Patreon)
Our Futanari February winner is none other than the wonderful Chun-li, who I have drawn before, but never with a nice big cock! I am very much looking forward to it, as I have been wanting an opportunity to draw more of Capcom's princess~ <3
The winner for the blowjob face poll overwhelmingly was Taki from Soulcalibur, another fighting game leading lady who I have been dying to draw for quite a long time, and this is exactly how I wanted to draw her too! Similarly, I've been looking forward to when I could draw Palutena, and since she is the winner of the 2-Panel Comic poll, now is finally the time! I am a huge fan of Kid Icarus Uprising, and I currently play quite a bit of her in Smash Bros Ultimate! Actually, I have played quite a bit of ALL of this months winners in various fighting games over the years, and while I am not able to play quite as much as I used to, the soul still burns, as it were~ ;)
In other news, I apologize for being off track with the poll winners from last month. Daisy has been very close to being done for days, but as I mentioned in the last post, I have unfortunately been pretty sick for over a week now. I have been working today though as I do feel well enough again, and my expectation is that daisy will be out tomorrow! I still have Sorceress from Dragon's Crown to finish as well, and while I will do my absolute best to finish before the end of the month, I apologize if I am not able to finish it 100% by then. Bare minimum though, I will have a work in progress up for you all to enjoy before then, so please look forward to it!