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The main doujinshi Polls are all finished and rough draft pages are well under way! Some of you may be wondering which scenario won, and while I'd like to remain coy about it for the time being, I've left a thinly veiled hint for you in this post~ ;) I'll have a big announcement about it when I have some more rough draft pages finished, and for those of you in the higher tiers, I'll be dropping another batch of those early in the week!

Timed Exclusives

 Speaking of working on the doujinshi, this may have been implicit based on the fact that I am only running two monthly character polls now, but I'd like to make sure older patrons are on the same page. Due to the fact that I'm working on a big project now, I'm only going to be able to reasonably handle two timed exclusives per month now in addition to that. I do have a backlog I've built up and would like the winners to be finished closer to when people vote for them, so it's possible I'll decide to knock out more if I feel I've afforded myself the time. But please only expect two rather than three for the time being! Mai Shiranui is currently under way and Vados's blowjob face pic will follow shortly after, so please look forward to them!

Poll Winners

With that important info out of the way, here are the winners from September's character polls:

$1 Standard Poll Winner: Videl - It's felt like a long time coming, but Videl finally won, and with impressive numbers to boot! I've been looking forward to drawing this tomboy cutie for quite a while so I hope you look forward to what I come up with for her~ <3

$5 Blowjob Face Poll Winner: Ranma Saotome [Female] - Another character who kept doing well in the polls but hadn't quite made it.... until now! Also a boy(ish) character from the 90s, Ranma 1/2 was my very first anime series, like it was for many (this is aside from a couple of movies, in my case). So it's a real joy to finally draw Ranma-chan, indisputably one of the characters who sent me off on this journey of pervery! =P

Speaking of influential 90s anime, special mention must be given to Sailor Moon, as she very nearly won through the voting power of $10 patrons for her first time on the $1 poll! Videl's sheer numbers won out in the end, but I'm very much looking forward to seeing how old meatball head does in future polls~ <3


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