Our monthly sketch poll winner for June is Mai from the original Dragon Ball! Now it's time for my lovely $10 patrons to decide how I draw her! Keep in mind, while this will be quicker than my normal timed exclusives, it will still have color and at least some highlights and blush work. Here is a good example of what to expect!
Keep in mind that the primary focus of the image will be the original Mai, as she appeared in the original Dragon Ball manga and anime, and not Future Mai from Dragon Ball Super. I have included Future Mai alongside her in several poll options though, and they would both appear if one of those wins. Also, just to clarify since it's less common, Amazon position is where women mount men, squatting on their cock while holding their ankles. Here is an example: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/86227999
As usual, don't forget that you can change your vote for any reason before the polls end! This poll will last 5 days this time around, we'll see for the future. Looking forward to the results so I can get right to it~ <3