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May 3 at 12:00 noon, US EDT (GMT-4).  Stop by to see unreleased content, ask questions, and hang out.   https://www.twitch.tv/GunnerHEATPC 




will you change the aiming control, using the right mouse to hold the turret. I feel like dragging the turrent using the right mouse button feel sluggish and unresponsive. The Pre ALPHA build of using the right mouse button to stop the aiming button seems more practical. I love the Patreon build feels like you can really moving around in a M60 Patton tank. Spookston recommended you to me. We shared the love for Cold War armored vehicle, really wishing you the best. Take your time.


Spookston recommended me to you. Take your time, and amazing work.


i agree, i find it a lot more natural than holding down to turn the turret, it also doesnt stop turning unless you bring your mouse back, or let go of the button.

John Smith

Found out about GHPC in comments on latest Phly Daily video. Searched for GHPC in YT videos, first result was video from Spookstoon. Well described what it is and what it isn`t. Glad I do read comments lol. Became Patreon supporter straight away. Been playing WT for 7 years since closed beta, finally I couldn`t stand devs BS no more, dropped out after "free Abrams" fiasco. My 2 cents - as far as i`m concerned you guys can make it F2P, will gladly buy premium account and some premium tanks, just listen to your community and don`t make unlocking / playing stock vehicles a chore. I know that as of now it`s supposed to be "pay and play" type of game but I`m just worried that your finance model might not stand test of time. Good luck to you guys and I`m waiting for more good news about GHPC!




@John Smith, the best they can do is AVOID all type of grinding what so ever. It's a plague introduced by big gaming companies to keep players paying (and paying..). One time purchase is the way to go, with all things unlocked, no achievments, unlocks, levels and bullshit. Just a pure old fashioned hell of a game.


quality over quantity. don't do a hundred superficially modeled vehicles, do a dozen maybe even less, but make them as detailed and accurate as possible!


Hi, I just sign in as a patron. I wish you well with this project. I have to admit that there are so few tank sim out there, I don't know why when actually tanks are the bone of every army. I have a few questions: Will your sim have a rendering of the interior of the tank? Will infantry and infantry transportation will be simulated in your game? How many tanks will be able to drive? There will be a dynamic campaign or a scripted campaign? Thank you


Hello, and thanks for the support! We don't have the resources to commission interiors yet. We do want to show AI controlled infantry and have them transportable in APCs and IFVs. We don't know yet how many vehicles we'll be able to include, but it's as many as we can. There will be some kind of campaign, likely dynamic.


Thank you very much for your answer. I wish you the best with this project