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We've passed 500 patrons, and just in time for the new shooting update to the vertical slice build.  Head over to https://gunnerheatpcdev.itch.io/gunner-heat-pc-patron-build/patreon-access and check it out!  


M60A3 pop up test

Check out this video on Streamable using your phone, tablet or desktop.





Patrick, I think this is just a small implementation that allows you to fire gun. There's no impact physics because no object is leaving the gun. I tested the demo and it seems to confirm it. It's basically the last Patreon build but you can now fire the gun.


Can you guy tell us what plan do you have I tested game over an hour and there's a lot of bug and problems in the game, but I'm really looking foward to it


We plan to gradually re-work and add in all features that are missing from this build, to make it better than the public demo. After that, we'll expand to things like new mission types and multiplayer.

John Smith

Can we have some hit effects added? Like sparks ? Keen eye can notice shell flying in this video, but overall no visible effect on the target. Thanks!


Keep up the great work! :)


Wish I knew how to program in unity so I could help


Of course! This clip actually doesn't include the armor model on the T-72M1, so there was no impact effect.


guys, jump to unreal engine 4. it's free. also, look at that detail from armored warfare. look at smoke tubes, round. many details. don't skimp on details especailly if no plans for interior, then we must look at the beauty from the outside: https://gamemodels3d.com/games/armoredwarfare/vehicles/t-80b