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This is the recording from the latest Q&A session for anyone who couldn't make it.

If you'd like to participate in the next one, make sure to link a Discord account in your Patreon account settings and join our server!  The Q&A sessions are held using the patron stage there.

The teaser image mentioned during the Q&A is attached.




A follow-up question regarding the sight-bore offset. Since the sight usually has both horizontal and vertical offset to the bore, is the horizontal offset being corrected at normal ranges (beyond minimum range)? Within the minimum range, say 200m for the M60A3TTS (if I remember correctly), is the zeroing being fixed at 200m? If so, I suggest I should use similar triangles to get the actual horizontal adjustment within this 200m, is that correct? Will the data ( the measurement of both offsets) be available in-game? The T-72 can measure to 0 meter, so what is the actual minimum range in this case? For the M2 Bradley, this horizontal offset seems not corrected at all at any range for the 25mm, is that true?


Bore offsets are corrected in some vehicles and not corrected in others. Zeroing in the M60A3 and Abrams is limited to 200 or greater. This kind of information will likely be included in some manner of gunnery tutorial eventually.


hey everybody