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  • APFSDS spark test 2.webm
  • m82 smoke test.mp4



This is the recording from the latest Q&A session for anyone who couldn't make it.

If you'd like to participate in the next one, make sure to link a Discord account in your Patreon account settings and join our server!  The Q&A sessions are held using the patron stage there.

The teaser content mentioned during the session is attached.


James Cassell

The SABOT hit effect. Close. It should be a bright flash. Then a fire works sparkler. A TOW 2A, Hitting a T-55. A flash. Black smoke. Then the hatches blow open. Two towers of fire. You guys doing great!


When do you plan to release Linux binary enable run natively the game on Linux debian-based systems. We know that Unreal Engine supports Linux natively.