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As you know, I've been collaborating on a LEGO-SpaceCorps scenario with the fantastic 🧱Xenomurphy. The art and script are already made - but you'll still have to wait a couple of months to see the finished product [schedules!]

XM sent me something interesting, though - a chart of all the faces he designed for the various featured characters [you can probably guess quite a few of them just from the decals!] Really excellent work, and a real insight into the work which goes on behind the scenes of a game level:





Surely not even SpaceCorps is as cruel, as depraved, as sadistic as to trap a corridor with bare legos!?


There are no depths to which SpaceCorps will not sink. They will turn your feet into pincushions with loose LEGO, and scald you with freshly microwaved Hot Pockets in the canteen. These people are monsters!