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👽 Week 1 Poll 1 - Alien/Robot 🤖

  • Shifter [Male] 81
  • Aurora 13
  • Professor Alpha 57
  • D'Lan 158
  • Shifter [Female] 33
  • 2024-11-05
  • 342 votes
{'title': '👽 Week 1 Poll 1 - Alien/Robot 🤖', 'choices': [{'text': 'Shifter [Male]', 'votes': 81}, {'text': 'Aurora', 'votes': 13}, {'text': 'Professor Alpha', 'votes': 57}, {'text': "D'Lan", 'votes': 158}, {'text': 'Shifter [Female]', 'votes': 33}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 5, 16, 56, 50, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 342}


We've seen a fair few new characters in Week 1, so it feels like time for another round of character polls! 😀 There will be 3 primaries - split into alien/robot, divine, & human categories - and then a head-to-head of the 6 finalists [3 guys and 3 gals].

Vote for as many of the options as you like - we positively encourage ballot-stuffing at the SpaceCorps Electoral Commission 😂 To see previous polls (most are still open) you can click the 'Poll' button in the featured tabs or type poll into the search posts button. 😀

Let the votes begin! 🏇🏻

EDIT: Oops! Lol - forgot to activate multiple votes. I won't change it now to avoid skewing the earlier results 😲



Unfortunately I only have the option to vote for one character right now, and I'm pretty torn between Alpha and F!Shifter. Kind of the favourites design and story wise. But if multiple options become available, I'll throw in a male-character vote for D'Lan too. I guess he's mainly intended to be a comic relief side-character right now, but I wouldn't mind seeing some proper one-on-one interactions with him and the MC in the future.


What about MAX?


He’s been in a past poll (this is only for characters introduced since the start of Season 2). He did pretty well!

Gideon Lamarr

This feels like a good opportunity to ask for some Hajime Sorajama cameos - why not dig into the classics for once 🧐

Gideon Lamarr

True, already voted for Aurora but I thought I push it a little because as usual I’m voting for the duds

DC Burns

I feel like the male shifter has potential, I just don’t like his lack of a face compared to the female version, and how his genitals don’t match the rest of his body. I did like Professor Alpha’s voice acting, it definitely changed how she sounded in my mind.


I want to say the shifter male, but I don’t like that it’s genitals are a different color


I had some issues with those, unfortunately! Would have preferred the same colouring, but all attempts to match textures failed 😥

Dickie Imagery

i think the idea of aurora's floaty bits is very cool, i recommend male aurorus , however i think floaty bits are probably very difficult within the engine you use. Shifter s hot but i ll go for d'lan s unbridled enthusiasm .


If the male shifter wins I deff wouldn’t mind a MCx MC scene