👽 Week 1 Poll 1 - Alien/Robot 🤖
- Shifter [Male] 81
- Aurora 13
- Professor Alpha 57
- D'Lan 158
- Shifter [Female] 33
We've seen a fair few new characters in Week 1, so it feels like time for another round of character polls! 😀 There will be 3 primaries - split into alien/robot, divine, & human categories - and then a head-to-head of the 6 finalists [3 guys and 3 gals].
Vote for as many of the options as you like - we positively encourage ballot-stuffing at the SpaceCorps Electoral Commission 😂 To see previous polls (most are still open) you can click the 'Poll' button in the featured tabs or type poll into the search posts button. 😀
Let the votes begin! 🏇🏻
EDIT: Oops! Lol - forgot to activate multiple votes. I won't change it now to avoid skewing the earlier results 😲