Geek Name Contest Winners! ✨ (Patreon)
Meet Cadet Luke Starlight - pictured here in his home planet Tatooi… ahem... um... er… Hectoris. 😂 A curious mixture of fearful and chippy, Luke is known as 'Geck' by his friends (Well, not friends per se. Colleagues and rapists might be more accurate 😜)
He knows Krav Maga, you know!
Congratulations to the contest winners! 😃🎖 Captain Mark94 came up with the name - and by extension a good chunk of his character and backstory - and Captain Saura came up with his nickname. As the only one to suggest a Branch, Major Umbreeyoree won by default (which is good - I wanted him in the FI since he's so obviously unfit for frontline duty 😂). Special mention to Major Molina for the planet name (Hectoris = Hector Reece 😁 See what I did there!)
Most happy with this! Like him if you like him 🤪👍