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It's out! 😁

- 8 major scenes completely remastered - 744 new or improved pics - 8 new animations - 1 injured wrist πŸ˜‚ -

I'm going to write more about this in the next dev diary. For now, the only really important pieces of info are that this is the last remaster update (i.e. it's storyline updates from hereon in!); and that it begins in the first Decontamination scene and ends before you go into the Hangarbay. Oh... and also that I hope you find it as satisfying an improvement as I did! πŸ€—






All the best!

RanliLabz πŸ––πŸ»

PS: I'm keeping this Patron-Only for rather longer than usual because of your patience with my hand injury over July - so please don't share! You can thank your fellow Patron Pilgrim for suggesting a longer Patron-Only period this time round πŸ˜‰

EDIT: Released to All Patrons 04/08/20

EDIT: Mac link altered (some probs with the mega, so I've changed to a GDrive link)

EDIT: 14/08/20 Android version uploaded! 




πŸ˜‚ It will still be waiting for you in the morning... it's a lot of gameplay, so I suggest bed and a fresh play over the weekend! πŸ›

Michael Fryer

I seem to be having a prob with the mega pc dl it gives me the contents of the folder not the actual folder


Thanks for the great work


Hey Mike! Did you manage to get it working? I uploaded in 2 different ways this time - the google version is a .rar (the way I usually do it); the Mega version can be downloaded as a .zip with the button at the top of the page. Let me know how you got on!

Sentimental Penguin

Time for me to get clout on the internetz by sharing this with the unwashed masses! /jk The remaster looks really good though, it's amazing how much improvement can happen in a span of months when it comes to 3d rendering techniques. I did a before and after comparison of what I've been doing, and the results are pretty stunning too!


You'd better not! πŸ˜‚ Thanks, Penguin - and glad to hear how well your own rendering is coming along. Looking forward to seeing it one day! πŸ˜‰


You're more than welcome, Adan! Good suggestion about the discarded clothes in Decon - makes it all a bit more real!


The remastered scenes are really nice ^^ Hope you are taking care of yourself regarding your health One question though personnel files are still only available for the first 4 characters right?


Thanks Ranulf! Eye’s better, sadly no real improvement in the RST :( Yes, didn’t have time to get the next personnel files done in time for the deadline... they’re a-coming though!


Is there somewhere where errors can be noted?


As gangbang stays disabled if you only choose the look at the all-male volchack gangbang.


Thanks leht! πŸ˜€ I'll check into that (I thought I'd fixed that issue!) Best place to note errors is over on my Discord (the bugpen channel πŸ›)


The images are great, as expected, your work is always grand! You concentrate on your health. We'll be waiting, patiently, as always :)

urban partisan

Mac version does not seem to work on my machine (previous ones did). Also, is it possible get a google link for the mac version as well? It took well over an hour to download on Mega.


Just uploading a fresh (and hopefully more reliable!) Mac version to G-Drive. It'll take a while to upload, but hopefully should be linked within the hour πŸ™‚ Thanks for the report, urban!


Mac link has been changed - let me know if you have any problems with the new one, but the issue should have been fixed πŸ˜€

urban partisan

Thanks a lot! Download speed changed from dial-up to adsl and the game works fine now.


Love your work. When will we see an android update?


Thanks LT! πŸ˜€ Unfortunately, android can only come out after public release (I can't port them myself, so I rely on The66). That means it should appear on the 14th/15th.


you might have said it already, but what is going to be put in the next update?


also, I was wondering about the text that appears during the Synapz trippy sequence... are they authentic hints or it's just messing with our heads? ;)


I won't be doing too many spoilers (esp since you'll be seeing a dev diary tomorrow!) However, the big points are: resolution of the last scene with Cis, the gang coming back together (plus a big decision!), getting a bunk and finally... *finally* being issued with your uniform πŸ˜‚ Oh, and a whole bunch of animations! 😁


One thing I am wondering Ranli from all characters who is your overall favorite? or if you had to split it up favorite looks, favorite personality and favorite storyline xD (maybe split it up for the boys and girls idk xd)


My favourite is typically whichever character I am writing at the time (I know πŸ˜‚ it's a really annoying answer!) Since my sexual/aesthetic tastes are so fluid, my favourite looks change on a daily basis - sometimes I'm all about Ayewn or Chad, sometimes Sarge or Munipanni, sometimes even Lloricain πŸ‘Ώ Push come to shove, I probably like MC most (basically, he's my pet πŸ˜‚) - but I can be easily distracted by a sassy Fatima, a cheeky Sam or a psychotic Morgana. As for storylines, I'm currently most excited about the Shapeshifter (and I think that the Chronicles or Rydick was the best written/designed piece of the game so far). But ask me again in a month and I might well babble about AI sentience or 8th Branch (the latter of which - of course - does NOT exist!) Inconstancy, thy name is RanliLabz 😜

Gene Franklin

Can I play the remastered on my android?


Not yet, Captain! Unfortunately Android has to wait until public release (I can't port them, so I have to rely on The66 and he only does public). A downside of the longer than usual patron-only period that I should have considered 😳