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Hello Crew and Potential Crew! 😀

I'm announcing a new annual membership that allows Patrons to make a single yearly payment for a 10% discount on the standard rate 🤑 

Patreon only introduced this feature last week - but 4 patrons have already taken up the offer (and a big welcome on board to Sergeants Holfdir, Krueger and Holley, and Cadet Daniel LK! 😊).

Everything in SpaceCorps is about choice - so letting you decide how you support the game is a great step forward (and one I've been hoping to see from Patreon for a while!) 

If you're tempted, click the Join button; and if you want a little more information first, check out:  https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360042152671-I-paid-a-creator-for-a-year-what-can-I-expect- 

🖖🏻 RanliLabz

PS: here's a few of the benefits you'll receive by joining up - but more info is also available in the Select Tier part of Join 😀:




Good idea - I have change my membership to the new annual membership.

Scott Percival

Do you get to keep more of the payment this way? Since patreon is paying Visa/MC once per year instead of 12 times per year, they should pass some of that savings onto you? Or am I being naive?


Fantastic! Thanks for you continuing support, Captain 😁 Much appreciated!


Edit: changed my post because I don’t know 😂 It looks proportional so far, but it’s all affected by different card companies and whether you’re a new or existing patron (creators don’t get a breakdown because of safeguarding). I’d query with Patreon - but every time I’ve contacted their support in the past I’ve been immediately content audited 😂


I'd be very reluctant to change to annual billing until I knew for certain that it wouldn't impact on the amount the creator earns. That's why I Patreonise in the first place. Exchange rates are the other issue: my monthly Patreon bill is already well over $100 AUD, and if that all went to annual billing, that's getting awfully close to a month's rent.


Absolutely - for some monthly will be better, and for some it will be annual. I am extremely grateful for either, and don’t mean to push anyone in any direction besides offering the choice! I’ll go hunting for more information on the card issue... maybe on the creator forums. So far, for existing patrons it appears I’ll be getting the same amount -minus the 10% discount the patron keeps, of course!


That's the bit that worries me - the 10% discount! If Patreon took that hit, I wouldn't have a problem with it. I guess I understand that for some creators the 10% drop is better than the randomness of some pledgers. For me, I support a project because I believe it's worth supporting, so I'm in for the long haul regardless - especially with games, where I often end up increasing my pledge over time. [Kind of funny: software is offensively expensive in Australia, yet I end up paying WAY more for free games on Patreon! XD ]


Much appreciated, Phreddy! 😁 Yeah - I'd prefer if Patreon took the 10% hit too! (or at least split it down the middle). They do actually give creators the option to pick the discount - from 1-16% - I went for 10 because it makes the maths easier 😄