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In a public statement today, reclusive game developer RanliLabz was forced to admit that v0.3.4a of SpaceCorps would not be released until the weekend - in stark contradiction to his earlier bullishness about a November 5th release:

"I was overconfident. As it stands, the update is good - but not great - and I want it to be great. A couple more days of dialogue editing and some additional images should achieve that; so with regret I must inform you that v0.3.4a will not be available until Saturday GMT. I apologise whole-heartedly from the delay."

He then burst into tears.

IN OTHER NEWS: Nevada election officials reveal that they have now counted 93% of the ballot - a mere 1001 years after the last ever US Presidential election. I.N.N. presents a special report asking 'How Long Is Too Long?'




lol the comment about nevada


Loved the joke about the US presidential election. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Nathanael Dugourd

I was so scared and worried, with covid and so on .... no stress, we can wait as long as we have aperitif .... eh i'm french ;)


πŸ˜‚ I'm Scottish... we usually just endure the meal in order to get to the digestif. Actually, some of us just skip the meal entirely and crack open the whisky πŸ˜„


No, we cannot wait, but we will :-))

Jeremy Charles

Those extra ballots came to your house as well i see.

r garber

Mmmm, Whiskey,,, the REAL stuff not th American stuff. By the Bye,, can I "Borrow" (Steal) That last comment? I just fell outa my chair on that one!


Everyone saw it coming but seem surprised when it happens :/


Np, just make it available for my rank as well when it’s ready. 😁


It's all good. Take the time you need to have it done to your standards :)


It is out...! What about Sunday for the rest of patrons? :-)


Release today?